Monday, August 25, 2008

Day 8: 24th August 2008

Hmm... my regular post is delayed a bit today as was busy with some work in the field of high finance :P . Anyways who cares? As if you have been checking my blog since midnight, waiting for this post to arrive!

God, its already been eight days! It can be a small time or a long duration depending upon how you look at it. Over the lasty couple of days have managed to convince myself of my course of action.

Day 8 was a bit different. An AIMCAT, followed by solid four hours of sleep, and finally a quiz. Must say it was refreshing to attend one after such a long time. It was a bit hectic what with all the finance work thrown in. And things not looking any better for today. Have got two submissions and a test and yah CAT preparation is always there, if I choose to acknowledge its existence!

That reminds me, even started filling the CAT form yesterday. Have to wind that up too. And oh how can i forget the inconsequential phone conversation!!

Anyways have to go now. Assignments are waiting, a test is looming...

n-8 days to go...


Anonymous said...

I heard you grumbling (hyperventilating?) on the phone this (last?) evening.

Some courtesy call that you were asked to pay?

Not that it matters if you don't divulge the details.

Anonymous said...

Come to think of it, when you don't write yourself, you get (and spend) more time to comment on other people's blogs. You can criticize them for being too idealistic or wax eloquent about not being altruistic in their intentions. It's a good job, this policing of the blogsphere.

Random Guy said...

hmm... yah something like that...
and continue with the policing.. that at least ensures some readership :P