I never actually got to penning it down. Perhaps I thought that it would do more harm than good. Perhaps I thought that it was better left unsaid. Perhaps that’s the way it was meant to be. But then, are things ever the way they are meant to be ?
Why am I doing this now? Now, after all this time; when it's all over, or at least that's what I am made to believe. What I have been forced to believe. Forced to accept as truth something I know is wrong. But then, just because it's right doesn't make it true, isn't it?
I never really expected it. In most cases you know what is coming and when it happens, there's a sense of inevitability about it. But with me it was the proverbial bolt from the sky. I never knew what hit me. I never knew why it happened. What I knew, was that this was not how it was supposed to end. But then, we don't always get what we want.
There were pitfalls. But then there always are. For most part they were negotiated without any damage. Hardly any in fact. And that made it even more hard to believe. What I believed in, what to an extent defined me, completed my existence was no longer around. Exactly one month after that memorable morning I found myself alone, out at the high seas, with the lights of the life boat getting dimmer and dimmer. But then, I wasn't supposed to drown, not yet anyway.
Over the next couple of days I alternated between trying to cry and salvaging the dream. And at neither did I succeed. The eyes had dried, how and what for purpose I don’t know and I guess I never will. While the non-existent yet ever-present tears had run dry, my efforts encountered a wall of steel on the other hand. The voice was cold, the emotions absent. It was as if there had been a transformation overnight. I screamed that it was wrong; I pleaded. But then, all pleas are not meant to be answered, all screams not meant to be heard; some of them fall on deaf ears.
What was it ? Was it a beautiful dream with a tragic end ? Was it a betrayal ? Would I ever be able to forget, and more importantly, forgive ? I wish I had the answers to these questions and many more like them that keep rearing their heads. But then, all wishes are not meant to be granted.
I have come to accept it in a way. But not in a way it was hoped I would accept. That could never happen for that would have meant that everything that led to it was nothing but a bunch of lies. And that is not the case. But I have changed. Rather, I have been changed. A part of me died that evening. Faith has been shattered, trust has been broken, beliefs have been belied. More than anything, love was denied. But then I ask myself, what really is love ?
an illusion we love to live...
Useless question and useless rhetoric. Love is something like God. Something we conjure from the recess of our imagination in order to explain things we can not understand. "Oh I feel so and so. It must be love." Classic. I see this post tows the line of several similar ones. But then the connotations have to be explained for a reader to comprehend it in its entirety. You get the hint don't you? But not all people are willing to comprehend. Not all people have the patience. Maybe this time there was a reversal of roles. Deja vu perhaps? Only this time, you looked at your own plight through someone else's eyes.
@ anvita
nice to see you still around :)
most of the times reality aint to our liking.. and hence the illusion..
@ marvin
Got the first half of your comment.... and the hint as well :)
the implications of the latter though, are beyond my comprehension..
You have talked about the problem in quite detail. But even in the end, the reader has no clue as to what it actually is.
This way, without actual events complementing the reaction, it sounds a bit too abstract, don't you think?
I seem to get a clue as to where you you were going, but by the end I had to question myself whether I was right or not?
The inevitable happened?
@ piper
It had to be abstract, for it was so intended...
@ Prabhu
Don't know about what you thought.. and as for inevitability, i owuld just say that the lack of it was the reason for the post...
"Alone or not, u've got a walk ahead"
Love never dies, what dies and shud die is "attachment".
The day you will lose ur addiction you can title yourself as "unconquered" and THAT is what will make you yourself.
Till your thoughts are conquered by others, you are NOT living for yourself. Shrug it. Remember we are "eternal wanderers"... we will always have ditches in the road.
@ anon
An anonymous comment on my blog.. lolz.. thats a rariy.. no need to hide urself buddy... anyways thats ur wish..
hmm.. u start ur comment with a line from P.S. I love you... interesting...
You talk of attachment as something different from Love.. i beg to disagree.. affection is a component of love.. and while love in itself is much greater than the sum of its components, one can't think of love and affection separately.. at least i can't...
yes i don't control my thoughts.. yes i am not living for myself... but then i am not even sure if i am living right now... i wonder if this is a pretence...
yes we are eternal wanderers... but even their wanderlust ends somehere... even they rest... and so was my desire...
"yes we are eternal wanderers... but even their wanderlust ends somehere... even they rest... and so was my desire..."
This desire is always an "uncertainty" in a vagabond's life. Why?
He travels far and wide, staying months at a place and then packing up to find abode elsewhere. You think a vagabond doesn't get attached to even a single place he visits? This attachment can NOT stop him. He moves on carrying the love with him and leaving behind it's component of addiction. He hasnt given his sentiments the right to stop him, ever. He keeps walking.
"Maybe" he settles down at some point but he knows it isnt and was never a necessity in his life; cos he is a VAGABOND :-)
Anyways that is too philosophical.
Maybe you will understand it much later. I did. And it is blissful to understand it.
@ anon..
i won't say i understand it completetely.. but i get the drift... but then there is a difference... am an eternal wanderer.. and not a vagabond.. i want to wander.. but want to come back to one person, one place... and maybe undersatnding wat u say would be blissful.. but i had already known bliss.. i had thought my quest had ended...
p.s. its interestin to converse with you...
@ alien
The end of quest itself is total death. As long as you are striving for it you are living but when you get it... it's the end. This happens with each and every thing, each and every person: whether or not he is a wanderer. You can ask why we strive for it then... because that is how the world was designed by an intellectual designer. We cannot escape it, can we?
P.S.: Same.
The end of a quest need not signify death everytime. Its only when we have no more quests to embark upon that such a statement would be true.
Bingo! you know it... that there should be more quests to embark on. :-) So walk on, wanderer.
:-) :-) :-)
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