Saturday, July 21, 2007


Hmmm.... A post after a long long time! Feels really good to be posting something after such a gap. And what a post this is going to be! Man have been driving a car for more than 5 years now... and what happened yesterday has never happened to me...never! It was the creepiest thing that i have ever experienced. And what with recently seen Lindsay Lohan in action in Herbie, the memories came flooding back to me.

Ohk let me start from the beginning. The month of july brings with it a surge of marriages and assorted ceremonies in north India. The occasion was my neighbour's engagement and I had gone to attend the ceremony with my bua (read forced to go). The venue wasnt far from my place, just a couple of klicks. while going there nothing happened. It was an ordinary car ride.

The fun began on the retrun leg. For the past few weeks there's been some problem wid ma car. it wont start unless given a choke. As i started the car, i felt something was different. The engine was groaning rather than purring. I thought maybe i had accidently pressed the gas pedal too far, so i reduced the pressure a bit but nothing happened. Puzzled I removed my foot entirely form the accelerator, but still the sound didn't stop. I decided to mull over it later and put the car in gear. And Hey Presto! As i released the clutch, the car started moving, even though i hadn't stepped on to the gas. I thought it was coz of some slope in the road. but when the speedometer conintued to inch upwards on a straight road, with my foot firmly staying away from the gas, I was amused. I thought maybe the pineapple juice that i had consumed rather lavishly was taking its toll on me :P! But in front of my own eyes the speedometer kept moving upwards... from 30 to 40 to 45. At one point it even touched 60! The entire journey i drove only using the break; acceleration was taken care of automatically!

Had I been alone i would have thought I had hallucinated the enitre thing, but my bua was there to confirm the incident. Maybe my car finally got tired of me and decided to pull a Herbie on me! Who knows...

1 comment:

Prasoon said...

Whoa.. Only if it had auto adjustment of acceleration to take care of fuel consumed, i wudnt have called it a problem :)
Drive safe !!